Touhid Alam

This Software NOT encourage piracy, which is an act UNLAWFUL, as well as being a lack of respect towards those who dedicate time and effort to the development of applications. This increased support for quality writing, allied with the book-like convenience and tactility of smartphones and tablets, means there has never been a better time for reading online. The remaining task is to make the writing itself a joy to read.

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I do NOT release these programs so that you "the End-user" can benefit from it in terms of using software or any other of these releases without buying the required licenses. R@1n, however, believes that everyone should have the option to test and backup their program and be able to run it without any problems.f these releases without buying the required licenses. R@1n, however, believes that everyone should have the option to test and backup their program and be able to run it without any problems.