Design and CSS Only

Here, some project done by CSS or Bootsrap or some of responsive or some of not responsive. All design project in here......

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USE Bootsrap, css
Folder: /multi-section-tag / protfolio

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USE Bootsrap, css
Folder: /multi-section-tag / protfolio-2

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Bootsrap First Project

USE Bootsrap
Folder: /multi-section-tag / BootStrap-first-project

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Html CSS JS mltiPage

Use HTML, CSS, Javascript, Multipage use
Folder: /single-section-tag/ Html-Div-Convert-to-JS-Dom/

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FaceBook Login Page

Folder: /multi-section-tag / Facebook-login-or-sign-up

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Login Form

Use HTML, Internal CSS, Bootsrap, box-shadow effect use
Folder: /single-section-tag/ login-form /

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Login Form

Use HTML, CSS, Bootsrap, box-shadow effect use
Folder: /single-section-tag/ login-form /

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Login Form

Folder: /single-section-tag/ login-form /

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Login Form

Use HTML, CSS , Bootsrap
Folder: /single-section-tag/ login-form /

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Text Hover Effects

Hover Effects on text shadow, transform font size after hover

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Leon Light Button Effects

Useing .. hover, shadow , reflection of button

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Box Shadow with only Div tag

Use.. Div html tag to design box circle and css shadow

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Product Card

Card hover effect, Animation, standart design, not finish yet

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Penguan Animation

USE... Div html Tag only, Animation, Internal Styling, CSS variable, Media, copyRight FreecodeCamp

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Simple DropDown Navigation Bar

USE... CSS External Styling, Simple dropdown nav bar with hover